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Bound by Roses (The Bound Series Book 1) Page 2

  Saledii ignored him and with a forceful twist, removed her wrist from his grip. He staggered back a few paces. His feet caught the bottom of his robes. Ephice fell hard upon his rear end, much to the giggle of the other Ministers. Only Minister Mato helped him regain composure. The others merely continued to gossip. Saledii ignored them all as she threw the tattered garments to the marble floor, a pile of rags before the banging, and vibrating door.

  “Soldiers, bar the doors!” Saledii pointed to two thick wooden posts that rested hidden near the door. The doors continued to rattle and shake. Quick bangs. The soldiers rushed forward. They awkwardly moved the heavy wooden beams. Bodies continued to slam against the great wooden door, “Faster you fools!”

  “Lady Red!” Minister Ephice approached once more, this time, robes in his hand and lifted slightly off the floor. He spun Saledii around violently. Her pink rose slip billowed like a cloud at sunset around her, “I have asked you a question. What are you doing?”

  “I would rather die, than allow them to have what they are after!” Saledii forcefully removed her shoulder from Ephice’s tight grip.

  “And what, do you believe they are after?” Minster Emmae stepped forward, hands within her sleeves. Arms crossed against her large bosom. Her mousy brown hair in shambles from being awakened by the bells in the late hour. Saledii could not answer. The soldiers barely barred the doors when multiple bangs pounded. Saledii kept the sword held before her.

  Let us in! Help us!

  Fists pound the wooden door relentlessly.

  Help us! They are coming!

  More fists pounded upon the door.

  They are coming! Let us in!

  “You are a fool Lady Red. You have kept out our own people seeking refuge,” Minister Mato waddled to the door, but was stopped by a flash of steel. The sharp, blood covered blade appeared just shy of his throat. So close did Saledii come, that the Minister could feel the cold steel upon the skin. Minister Mato quivered taking a step back with hands before his chest. Saledii pointed out the high window with the blade.

  “The Hunter Moon is again visible,” Saledii could see the amber moon begin to turn silver high in they sky, “Wolves can elect to take Human form. You have fallen for their rouse, Minister!”

  “But it may be—”

  “You have always been the stupidest of all the Ministers” Saledii barked to Minister Mato, “I am surprised they have elected to keep you on Council this long.”

  None of the other Ministers spoke. One or two cleared their throats. Another jumped as more fists pounded the door.

  “Lunalesca will protect us!” Another Minister fell to his knees. His clasped hands rose towards the silvery moon that peeked through the windows high above. Eyes closed tight. He mumbled words. Saledii slapped the Minister across the face. Heavy hand and thick crested ring left a welt, and cut. He let out a yelp as he stumbled to his side. Eyes stared up at Saledii.

  “Get up you fool!” Saledii sword bared, forced the Minister to his feet, “Do not pray to that, which those vermin do as well! She will not protect you!”

  Saledii forced the Minister back. He and the others huddled close together. All silently prayed, either to Lunalesca the ancient Moon Goddess, Gozran the Protector, and even Lamashan the Creator. Saledii removed a torch from the wall, and threw it upon the pile of tattered tapestries. They became ablaze with a blinding heat before the door. Ministers stopped their prayers. The Soldiers rushed to the back of the hall, but stopped short with swords withdrawn and held high. The steel glistened faintly in the darkness.

  “Lady Red!” One cried out.

  Minister Emmae screeched. Saledii turned sharply. The other Minister’s shuffled around to see. Some strained their necks.

  In the shadows, just barely visible by firelight prowled two Wolves. Their eyes glowed like fireflies in the dark. Gems, with a pain of hunger to them. One was dark grey with white fur speckled about on his paws, tail, and jaw. His fur looked as the mountains do after the snowy season. The second beast blacker than pitch, Saledii wasn’t even sure it existed, were it not for the eyes. Out of shadow both had eyes the color of sunlit copper. They growled low. And almost smile as they go in and out of the light.

  The bodies began to pound the door.


  The doors began to splinter. The prowling Wolves chuckled, “They are coming.”

  Saledii did not know which Wolf spoke. Another body slammed the wooden doors. All gravitated towards the throne, as if it would protect them, save them.


  Another body slammed the door. The two Wolves stalked along.

  “They are coming,” the Wolves chuckled.


  Saledii with sword held before her watched the Wolves stalk in and out of light. The Wolves with their bright coppery eyes, Saledii could see them think with their ever-watchful gaze. They watched their prey huddle together. Their coppery, gem like eyes took in their prey. Thinking of who would be the easiest first to kill.


  Another body hit the door. The fire that burned before it had made it easier to splinter. In the light, the Wolves cast Human shadows upon the wall walking on two legs.

  Bang, bang

  “No where to run, Lady Red,” The jet black Wolf barked out. He never stopped pacing of the room. In and out of shadow he evaporated. Like a ghost, a demon, a creature sent from the depths that not even Saledii knew.

  “No where to run at all.” The second Wolf joined in with a chuckle, almost in song. The doors began to splint. Through smoke and ash, Saledii could see the naked forms that rammed the door.

  “You don’t know that,” Saledii’s brow cocked itself up, sword never lowered.

  “Humans,” the Wolf growled deep, “always so pretentious!”

  The doors split. The beams shattered. The wood added to fire. The throne room ablaze with a great heat, and light that made the Ministers cower. The Soldiers rushed back. Another slam against what remained and the beams shattered. Hinges destroyed, chunks of stone flew outward. A chunk slammed into Minister Toran’s ribs. The two creatures that broke through leapt over flame. Flesh broke out into fur. Bodies contorted with the sounds of bones breaking. One Wolf lunged at those who protected Saledii.

  Unprepared, he was knocked to the floor. The Wolves jaw fixed upon the Soldier’s exposed jugular. Garbled screams ended swiftly. Blood sprayed across the floor. It splashed the Ministers. They gasped and screamed. The Wolf did not release until the Soldier no longer twitched, and spasmed. Though even then he did not release. The Wolf relished the taste of the warm blood, and the soft flesh breaking under his fangs.

  The second Wolf jumped forward towards the guard. The guard lunged his sword forward and impaled the second Wolf through its open mouth. The Wolf dropped like a stone. Sword slid out gracefully. He then swiftly plunged the blood soaked blade into the Wolf that still gorged itself on the flesh of the dead Soldier. With a whimper, the creature fell to its side. The soldier kicked its dead body away. The Wolves in shadow took to retaliation. They both shot towards the armor clad man. The black Wolf was knocked back with an elbow to the ribs. The grey Wolf took the opportunity and drove his teeth into exposed flesh. The Wolf latched onto his leg brought the Soldier to his knees. The black Wolf regained himself with a huff and a shake. The ferocious beast rushed and grabbed firm to the Soldier’s arm. Sharp fangs broke through armor and into flesh. Blood poured like waterfalls. The beast hit bone with its teeth. The Soldier released his grip upon the sword. It crashed downwards. The old blade shattered upon the marble. The hilt bounced twice.

  Saledii with wind in her step, sliced the through the neck of the grey Wolf. Body fell to the side. His jaw held tight to the Soldier’s leg even in death. Blood pooled around him, staining the floor and armor. Saledii turned upon the black Wolf. Arm back, tip pointed towards the beast. The black Wolf released his grip and cowered back, tail between his legs. Saledii approached and raised the sword high into the air, ready t
o drive the steel through the beast.

  “I would not do that if I were you,” a raspy and melodious voice stopped Saledii from completing her sentence on the Wolf, “I will not hesitate in killing every last Human before the sun rises, my Rose Red.”

  A howl broke through from the courtyard. With a wide grin upon his blood soaked jaw, flesh upon his teeth, the Wolf rushed the wounded Soldier. Grabbing his neck, the creature twisted his head sharply. A crack. The Soldier fell to the side, a limp rag doll.

  “Now,” the voice called out again from the darkness of the courtyard, “release your grip upon the sword.”

  Saledii hesitated. The voice called out again, “Release your grip.”

  Saledii looked away from the cluster of Ministers and closed her eyes. Minister Ephice asked, “What are you doing?”

  “I am sorry,” Saledii dropped the sword she held so dearly and tightly. It clanked coldly upon the blood soaked floor. Blood splashed Saledii’s stained feet and rained upon her delicate slip.

  A thunderous bark rang from the courtyard over the dying song of the sword. A new band of Wolves rushed and jumped the flames. They rushed the defenseless Ministers. Screams silenced quickly. Each Wolf took one to the floor. Jaws directed at their throats. All their lives ended in an instant. Blood pooled and streamed all about the throne room, bodies piled everywhere. Another thunderous bark rang and the Wolves, drenched in blood, rushed as silently as they appeared. Drops of blood rained down from their fur onto the once white marble. Saledii could not look at the Ministers. She merely stared at the fire upon the threshold. Her body shook with both fear and rage. Nostrils flared with her erratic breathing. She could not even cry. For the Minister’s deaths were the ramifications of her actions, and she knew it. She wanted to scream. Mouth open, but no sounds came from her throat.

  “Now we can talk,” the voice called, “just the two of us.”

  Saledii stole a glance upon the heaps of dead Ministers. Many eyes still open. They were all the same. Throats torn out, their blood ran out like thick crimson rivers. Her gaze did not linger, for her attention turned to the fire. A fire meant to keep the Wolves at bay. It failed her. The protection of Pharast failed her.

  Through the fire Saledii saw that which talked to her. A bright red Wolf, piercing jade eyes and white underbelly sat elegantly in the courtyard, watching, thinking as all Wolves do. Just on the cusp of the light. Barely enough light for Saledii to see clearly, just enough to be considered a dreamed image. The red Wolf sat unmoving as the statue behind her. Jade eyes stared at Saledii as she made her way towards the flame. Jade eyes, uncommon for Wolves to possess, they unnerved Saledii as she stared into them. She was drawn to them. Blood weighed down her delicate slip. Splatters of blood across all exposed flesh. Her own feet stained crimson. She sloshed through the lukewarm blood towards the flames. The Wolf snorted and huffed. The Wolves that assassinated the soldiers circle around Saledii from the shadows. They prevented her from moving closer to the flames. Saledii’s eyes kept track of the beasts around her, taking a step back,

  “Who are you?”

  “I am one with no name,” the Wolves grew closer to Saledii and seemed to bow down before the red Wolf as she spoke.

  “How am I to address that which has no name?” The red Wolf bared its teeth towards Saledii as she posed the question.

  Over the intense flames the Wolf leapt. Crimson fur shed away in clumps. The fire flared as the fur fed it. The Wolves’ paws retracted with a cracking that made Saledii wince and shake with chills. Bones readjusted, snout shrank back. Teeth grew smaller, and less sharp. The creature landed with grace before a pool of blood, but in its place, a beautiful fair skinned woman, a cape of fire red hair extended down her back. The luscious locks ended just above her bare buttocks where they curled like the flames behind her. She possessed pale milky skin, and stood naked before Saledii, with no shame. She reveled in being naked before Saledii, who could not help but stare at the beautiful woman. The Wolves that surrounded Saledii bow lower than they had been in reverence for the woman.

  “You may address me as your Majesty.” The woman’s voice was still deep, raspy and calm, her arms outward. She shook her hair as she held her head high. Her whole body shook as a breeze blew.

  “And what Clan do you claim dominion over? Your majesty?” Saledii questioned.

  The woman stepped forward angrily. Foot splashed in a puddle of ice-cold blood. Fists clenched tight. Her teeth bared, mouth extending into a snout, she snarled,


  Her voice rang throughout the hall, and before it ended, she inhaled sharply and deeply. Her snout retracted and sharp teeth disappeared, a twinge of humanity crossed her face. She toyed playfully with her fire red locks, “Forgive me, Rose Red. I do have a terrible anger at times.”

  Saledii raised an eyebrow. She breathed in and out to calm her rapidly beating heart, “I was unaware that the scattered Clans united under a single banner.”

  “They will,” the Woman picked at her nails, “Once I have found what I am looking for. Here in your quaint city.”

  As the Wolf talked, Saledii grew closer to her throne, “We have nothing that would interest to the Vucari. You have wasted your time not only here, but in any attempt at reunification of a fractured empire.”

  The Wolf sniffed the air passionately. Eyes rolled in ecstasy. The woman licked her lips, “the Vucari,”

  She ran her slender, but thick fingers through her long red hair.

  “There is a name my ears have not heard uttered in many years. It does sound wonderful to roll off the tongue of a Human.”

  The woman stepped ever closer to Saledii. Feet left paw prints as they cross through the blood pools.

  “Can you hear that?” Her head twisted around in the air. Enjoying a silent song that only she enjoyed. The other Wolves closed their eyes and listened. Saledii strained to listen. There was nothing but her own heart beat, heavy breath, and dancing flames. The Wind howled its own sad melody through the many windows of the throne room above.

  “I do not hear anything,” Saledii continued to stare at the jade eyed woman.

  “Pity,” the Woman shrugged with a snicker.

  The naked woman sniffed the air much more deeply this time. Heart a flutter from the smell of blood that saturated the air. Its astringent, coppery smell stung Saledii’s nostrils. She tried to breath through her mouth, as she remained tall before her throne, “You have wasted your time. Reinforcements from Ashok Orai are on—”

  “Do not lie to me,” the Woman laughed with a howl into the air, the other Wolves joined in. Hand in the air. Nails sharp, they glistened in firelight, “I heard you speak to the Ministers, now dead at your feet. Only you have defended this realm from my kind. Ashok Orai is not coming. For they have not been contacted.”

  “You are confident that they have not,” Saledii swallowed hard into her throat and the woman clapped with a giggle.

  “Oh I do love a game of bluff,” the Woman’s giggle turned into a growl as she stared deep into Saledii. “But the quiver of your voice, and the racing of your heart—oh yes, I can hear it—it tells me you are lying.”

  Saledii remained tall before the naked woman. She was scared, but also entranced by her beauty, “We have nothing to offer you. As I have said.”

  “I believe you know exactly what I am after, Rose Red,” the Woman’s eyes were large as they stared at Saledii.

  “You seek the Bloodstone, I presume?”

  “You, you possess my mother’s Bloodstone?” The Wolf sniffed the air in several directions. What she hoped to find was unknown to Saledii.

  Saledii inched closer to her throne, “No, as it was destroyed—”

  “DO NOT PLAY FOOLISH GAMES WITH ME, CHILD!” The Wolf barked at Saledii, who fell upon her throne with eyes wide.

  The innocent, humane face returned. She playfully curled hair around her fingers, “Forgive my temper sweet one. I’m afraid I inherited
it from my mother.”

  Saledii sat high, in a throne meant for someone double her size. There was easily room for a second person to sit next to Saledii comfortably. Legs crossed at the ankle and knees just off to the side. A delicate and hair thin silver chain glinted against the blood, “Ah. Now I see why you consider yourself Queen of the Wolves.”

  “I do not consider myself Queen. I am Queen of the Wolves!” The Wolf Queen stood taller, slightly hunched, shoulders flexed and bellowed. Spit flew and foam formed at her mouth, “By birth right, they will all bow to me!”

  The great bell rang three times. The resounding gongs filled the silence of the throne room. Saledii leaned upon her hand and looked at the Queen, “I hate to disappoint you, but all I can offer you is the Bloodstone.”

  “Then it was not destroyed?” The Wolf Queen growled. Hair seemed to stand on end.

  “I would not offer the Bloodstone if it was destroyed,” Saledii stated. She uncrossed her legs and held tight to her throne.

  “She told us it was here,” the small Wolf that sat ready to pounce on Saledii’s left barked.

  “What is, it?” Saledii eyes were not taken off the Wolf Queen.

  The Wolf Queen approached and playfully brushed Saledii’s cheek. A slender but thick finger tucked hair behind Saledii’s ear. She ignored the young ruler’s question posed, “we have come for that which belonged to the Queen.”

  “That which belonged to the Queen?” Saledii repeated the same words, while her mind processed the vague riddle given. She inhaled sharply, eyes lit up and she inhaled sharply.

  The Wolf Queen leaned close. Lips almost touched Saledii’s ears as she whispered. Finger on the rulers chin, “that’s a good girl. Where is it?”

  Saledii brushed the woman’s hand away, “Out of your reach.”

  The Wolf Queen thrust her hand forward, and wrapped tightly around Saledii’s exposed, slender neck. She squeezed slightly, while Saledii gasped. The Wolf Queen’s lips teased and tickled Saledii’s ear. “I could snap this pretty neck with such ease.”

  “But you will not,” Saledii shook her neck, and the woman broke her grip upon it. The Wolf Queen tenderly took Saledii’s hand in hers and kissed the flesh. Soft tongue roughly licked the blood off Saledii’s bony knuckles.